
One of the priorities of the ACADEMIS Project is the improvement of the Methodology and associated Guidelines for quality assurance at a systemic level, in harmony with European standards of quality. For this reason, a distinct chapter of the project is concerned with proposing performance indicators aimed at a benchmarking process for Romanian higher education institutions.

Below are the actions envisaged, as part of Activity 3, for the annual and final elaboration, on the basis of a national and Europe-wide comparison, of reference indicators by institutional type and field of study (institutional and specialized benchmarking):

a. The elaboration of the methodology for designing reference indicators;

b. Establishing commissions for the elaboration of reference indicators for selected fields of study. Supervising the work of specialized commissions and managing the indicator proposals;

c. Piloting the selected indicators and establishing the performance indicators (for reaching the envisaged objectives 10 fields of study were selected, function of their domestic and European relevance: Natural Sciences; Philosophy and the humanities; Law; Sociology/ Political Sciences; Finances/Economics; Fine arts, decorative arts, design/ Music/ Theater; Information and Communications Technology; Mechanical engineering; General Medicine; Special Programs). For each of these fields proposals were made concerning a specific commission of expert members, to elaborate the reference indicators and to coordinate the piloting thereof;

d. Analyzing variation spaces, validating proposed indicators and elaborating a benchmark report.